Target Range School is seeking feedback to complete required updates to our federal COVID plans. The updated plans will be proposed to the Target Range School District Board of Trustees at the monthly General Board Meeting on Monday, December 13, 2021. The plans will be reviewed and updated at least every six months with the next update scheduled for June 2022. Please see the "NEWS" section at for a link to provide input. Please provide input using the following links. Input will be sought between Thursday, November 18, 2021 and Friday, December 3, 2021 at 4pm. Links to the plans are embedded in the survey document. American Recovery Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Plan Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan I’m sending this email proactively to you as an advocate for families experiencing homelessness. Of course I forwarded this to all of our families and other community resources as well. Any questions should be directed to Superintendent Heather Davis Schmidt at or (406) 549-9239.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Is your child missing a coat, gloves, hats, shoes, backpacks, etc? Please make sure to stop by and check out the lost and found this week! All unclaimed items will be donated to charity after Thanksgiving!
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
lost and found
lost and found
lost and found
Appreciation of our Veterans -- Dr. Heather Davis Schmidt --Superintendent -- Today we honor our nation’s veterans. On this day we honor the sacrifices that our country’s men and women in the armed forces have given and continue to give us to ensure our nation’s security and the freedoms we enjoy. Freedom carries responsibility—and that is the beauty of being a citizen of the United States. As a school, as a community, and as a nation, no matter what our differences of opinion may be, kindness, respect, and dignity must be at the forefront of all our interactions. At Target Range School we are fortunate to be part of a strong, supportive, and vibrant community that honors and celebrates these ideals. With deep gratitude, we thank all of our active-duty service members and veterans!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of a hand created paper flag with the words we are thankful for our veterans
REMINDER -- COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for 5-11 year olds on Thursday, Nov 11th from 2:00-4:30pm @ TR -- TO SIGN UP check out the TR COVID-19 page for more information: -- Additional options available at and
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Hot off the press! November Target Range Times --
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of the front cover of the Nov 2021 edition of Target Range Times with table of contents and photo of students on a ridge a part of field trip
NEEDED @ TR! We are again looking for a full-time custodian and have multiple openings for part-time paraeducators at TR. Please check out the TR website for more information -
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Clip art image of an arm holding a placard sign with the word help on it.
SAVE THE DATE: Target Range School will host a first dose COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for 5-11 year olds on Thursday, Nov 11th from 2:00-4:30pm. Check out the TR COVID-19 page for more information:
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Don't forget...Picture Day is tomorrow, November 3rd! To order pictures on online go to: and enter Picture Day ID: EVTVN6SDD
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
picture day
The Target Range Community Trunk-or-Treat!! -- Friday, October 29th --Time: 6:00-7:30pm--Learn more on the TR website @
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Image of flier for trunk or treat event Oct 29 6-7:30pm with a moon, jack-o-lanterns, leave less tree, and bats
We're very proud of our Target Range Community for coming together to pledge our students for our 2021 jogathon! We are Tiger Strong! #WErTR
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of flier showing a clipart graphic of a trophy with $38,000 and noting that we crushed our goal and $35,000 will go to the playground project and $3000 will go to the PTO
Need some new Target Range Gear? Click here to get your latest Tiger News and a link to the TR Spirit Store!
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
The Target Range Community Trunk-or-Treat!! -- Friday, October 29th --Time: 6:00-7:30pm--Learn more on the TR website @
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
ICYMI - survey about possible optional COVID testing for Target Range School community -- Please complete by Wed, Oct 20 --
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Image of cotton swab and vial with words covid-19 testing
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Bailey's ready for the jog-a-thon, are you?
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Photo of a small brown down wearing a blue tshirt running
Parents & Families! Our TR Tigers Jogathon program is wrapping up soon, so let's keep the momentum going. Make sure to share your student's link with people from if you are able. We can't wait to celebrate with the students for our 1st annual TR Tigers Jogathon on Friday, October 15th. Make sure your students dress warm for the event! Thanks again for all of your help and support. Also - a HUGE shoutout to our Target Range staff and teachers for all of their support.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of a girl and flier that this is the last night for donations for the jogathon.