Don't forget...Picture Day is tomorrow, November 3rd! To order pictures on online go to: and enter Picture Day ID: EVTVN6SDD
over 2 years ago, Target Range School
picture day
The Target Range Community Trunk-or-Treat!! -- Friday, October 29th --Time: 6:00-7:30pm--Learn more on the TR website @
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Image of flier for trunk or treat event Oct 29 6-7:30pm with a moon, jack-o-lanterns, leave less tree, and bats
We're very proud of our Target Range Community for coming together to pledge our students for our 2021 jogathon! We are Tiger Strong! #WErTR
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of flier showing a clipart graphic of a trophy with $38,000 and noting that we crushed our goal and $35,000 will go to the playground project and $3000 will go to the PTO
Need some new Target Range Gear? Click here to get your latest Tiger News and a link to the TR Spirit Store!
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
The Target Range Community Trunk-or-Treat!! -- Friday, October 29th --Time: 6:00-7:30pm--Learn more on the TR website @
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
ICYMI - survey about possible optional COVID testing for Target Range School community -- Please complete by Wed, Oct 20 --
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Image of cotton swab and vial with words covid-19 testing
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
tiger news
Bailey's ready for the jog-a-thon, are you?
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Photo of a small brown down wearing a blue tshirt running
Parents & Families! Our TR Tigers Jogathon program is wrapping up soon, so let's keep the momentum going. Make sure to share your student's link with people from if you are able. We can't wait to celebrate with the students for our 1st annual TR Tigers Jogathon on Friday, October 15th. Make sure your students dress warm for the event! Thanks again for all of your help and support. Also - a HUGE shoutout to our Target Range staff and teachers for all of their support.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of a girl and flier that this is the last night for donations for the jogathon.
Don't forget the optional FLU SHOT CLINIC tomorrow for Families at Target Range School -- TOMORROW -- Oct 14 -- 1:30-4:30pm -- TR Gymnasium. See the TR website for a link to the sign-up.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
image of an innoculation with words Flu Shot Clinic and Fight The Flu
Beach Transportation has updated drop off and pick up times for students on the O’Brien Creek, Union Square, Central Avenue route (Bus #250, formerly #203), please be sure to check that you have the most up to date schedule. They can be located on the TR or Beach websites.
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Please remember to sign-up for Flu Shot Clinic for Target Range Families, -- Thursday, Oct 14th -- 1:30-4:30 PM -- SIGN-UP HERE:
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Thank you for your support of the TR book fair!
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Image of words saying thank you for book fair support and a mouse and dog
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School
Tiger News
Target Range School Families! We’re on our way to reaching our goal of 80% of students registered and $25,000 raised toward our NEW PLAYGROUND. We are so grateful for all of the support we have received from friends, family, businesses, and many others. Please continue to help our school TODAY by sharing your donation link with others, or giving to our school if you are able. We’re looking to make a big leap in participation this weekend with the Weekend Challenge. Any student that gets $2 per lap or a total of $60 donated on will receive a bonus prize in addition to the regular prizes! Here is a video to preview - Roll Up Sunglasses: Thanks for helping our school raise funds this year and have a GREAT weekend! Best, The Target Range Foundation & PTO Team
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Photo of flier for weekend challenge of jogathon includes photo of sunglasses
Jog-a-thon Registration Challenge
almost 3 years ago, Target Range School District
Image of flier for a registration challenge for jogathon
2 DAYS OUT: Parents and families! Our TR Tigers Jogathon kickoff is just two days away! This year’s program will not only help our school raise funds, it will also allow our students to learn amazing character traits and have some FUN. But why wait?! Head to to register your student for our Fun Run Event, TODAY! We can’t wait to move, dance and celebrate our students!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of words 2 days out for jogathon kick-off
3 DAYS OUT: Parents and families! Our TR Tigers Jogathon officially kicks off in just a few days! However, you can get a head start on helping our school. Just follow these 3 EASY STEPS: 1. REGISTER your student(s) on today. It takes 30 seconds! 2. SHARE with 5 family/friends using the SHARE tools on (Facebook, Text Message, or Email) 3. GIVE a donation if you’re willing and able to.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Davis Schmidt
Image of words 3 days until kick-off for jogathon