Tiger News 3/29/2024
Join us for our track meeting TONIGHT! Tuesday, March 26 @ 5:30pm in the TR gym. We will discuss our athlete conduct policy, eligibility requirements, and our coaches will introduce some details of this season.
Join us for our track meeting on Tuesday, March 26 @ 5:30pm in the TR gym. We will discuss our athlete conduct policy, eligibility requirements, and our coaches will introduce some details of this season.
Kindergarten Enrollment is Open!
Tiger News 3/1/2024: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRYj--ABuUwY7HVSQucJctMocU513HjmcrEX4659AsSJlFOH_vwSlWKuORXvA8Va57bd-p51pbtRgVQ/pub
Tiger News 2/23/2024: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRYj--ABuUwY7HVSQucJctMocU513HjmcrEX4659AsSJlFOH_vwSlWKuORXvA8Va57bd-p51pbtRgVQ/pub
Target Range School is looking for a part-time evening custodian. If you are interested or know of someone interested, click on the link below.
Tiger News 02/25/2024 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRYj--ABuUwY7HVSQucJctMocU513HjmcrEX4659AsSJlFOH_vwSlWKuORXvA8Va57bd-p51pbtRgVQ/pub
NO SCHOOL 2/16 or 2/19
Enjoy the long weekend!
See you next Tuesday!
We are passing along this message from Missoula County regarding the Maclay Bridge.
We wanted to provide a brief update on the status of the Maclay Bridge. Engineering firm HDR has been investigating the stringers on the bridge and will inform the County when they have a recommendation on what repairs would be necessary to re-open it. The Montana Department of Transportation will then need to approve any repair plans before the County moves forward.
Once we have confirmed information, Missoula County is tentatively planning to hold a public meeting to update residents on next steps with the bridge. This meeting could be held late next week, but this is not set in stone and could be postponed until there is significant news to share. We will provide details about a meeting when confirmed.
We appreciate your patience as this process plays out. Make sure to follow the project at missoulacountyvoice.com for the latest updates.
Thank you,
Missoula County
Our Kids Heart Challenge is off to a great start Target Range!!
Our school is participating in the Kids Heart Challenge for Heart Month!
Thank you for helping those with special hearts and learning lifesaving skills like Hands-Only CPR!! Join our team at http://www2.heart.org/goto/TargetRangeSchoolMT to get started and complete Finn’s Mission to earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025! #legacyoflifesavers #kidsheartchallenge
Tiger News 2/9/2024
Tiger News 2/4/2024: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRYj--ABuUwY7HVSQucJctMocU513HjmcrEX4659AsSJlFOH_vwSlWKuORXvA8Va57bd-p51pbtRgVQ/pub
Our Robotics team is off to battle in the First Lego League State Tournament. Action kicks off at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow (Saturday) morning at the MSU Bozeman Campus. Good luck to our participants led by Coach Steve Decker! Go Tigers!
Home basketball games after school today.
Come support our 7th (4pm) and 8th (5pm) grade girls led by Coach Higuera and Coach Thompson!
Go Tigers!
Attention Target Range Staff and Families,
We received communication from Missoula County that Maclay Bridge will be closed to all vehicles and pedestrians. The bridge will be closed indefinitely while the county evaluates the feasibility of repairs. The closure will take effect at 10:00 AM on January 26, 2024 (tomorrow morning). These are the details we have at this time. We will update you as we receive any new information.
8th Grade Families,
Sorry for the incorrect information. The event at Big Sky is TONIGHT!
Go Eagles!
Tiger News 1/19/2024
We are warm enough to be outside this morning! Please dress warm!
Another cold morning TR!
Too cold for students to be outside this morning. Grades 6-8 should head to the library and Grades K-5 will be in the multi-purpose room until school begins. Inside recess etc. will continue until the temperature reaches 10 degrees or above.